Sunday, July 17, 2011

Problem with Microsoft Word 2007 placing unwanted indentations after some numbers?

This is a little difficult to explain but I'll try to make it clear. I am currently trying to answer some questions for a law school competition. There are 25 total questions that must be typed. So I have been answering the questions by typing 1.) then the answer, 2.) then the answer...all on a new line. I hit space after the ")" and it will indent automatically (maybe 1-2 spaces). I don't have a problem with this. However, everytime I get to 10.) it places a much larger indentation between the ) and where I can actually start typing my answer. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is doing this, and how to get it to stop. I've tried changing the indents by right clicking the number and whatnot but any change I make affects EVERY number. This is really starting to frustrate me because I cannot understand why it would indent 2 spaces for 9 numbers, then on 10 it indents probably 6-8 spaces and will not let me fix it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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