Sunday, July 17, 2011

HELP! im having major girl issues in my life?

well it seems that i have trouble getting a girlfriend all my life any type of relationship ive been in wasn't real the girl had a real boyfriend and was just board and im scared to approach any girls now because they might reject me they are like outta my leuge and most girls i end up liking dont even know that i exist i wanna get to know more as friends but im to scared also its one girl that i have alot in common with and i REALLY like her but she knows i exist and might talk to me as an aquantance occasionally but she dosent seem interested in me at all i can just tell i want to go out with her but i at least want to really get to know and hang out with her first but i can never get a girlfriend i feel socially akwrard it seems im just that guy to girls and i also feel discouraged because i feel that there are SOO many other guys that are all around these girls and i don't have a chance compared to them when i do try to talk to girls i automatically get that there not interested im not really ugly and i have good hygiene but im just like an average guy that there not interested in because they are all into better ones and some girls will act mean if you try to be their friend i REALLY need help i feel so depressed btw im in 11th grade (sigh) i will be ETERNALLY grateful to anyone that can give me good advice please thank you

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