Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Would you read this fantasy novel?

It sounds amazing but i dont see exactly what her human life had anything to do with the elves. Maybe if something about her father is something that caused her becoming an elven shaman. Maybe consider her father being a shaman in maybe a previous life and his soul had become human. Maybe when larissa's mom got pregnant he was excited about having a family. But then he receives a vision in a dream from a divinitive shaman from his elven life telling him he ruined his wife's life by staying with her and that his daughter will now have a difficult life between worlds. He stayed long enough to make sure larissa was delivered safely into the world then left to watch over her from afar.(maybe change lexie's name. Larissa and lexie is making me crazy, but not terribly) You should start the book with her waking as an elf with no memories, and have her human life come out throughout the book in dreams and visions and some advice and info from the divinitive elven shaman that sent her dad his vision. So while shes struggling with the dark elves, shes also struggling to find out exactly who she is.

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