Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How do I start talking to him again?

so basically we were sort of getting together. I didn't really like him at first but after meeting up and texting a bit more I started liking him. But I think he thought I didn't really like him because I have a busy lifestyle and automatically play hard to get for that reason. So he got a girlfriend the weekend we were supposed to be meeting up, which hurt me a little bit. We used to text all the time and we didn't text for a week then he sent me a text asking how i was and I said I was great, and asked how he was and then got no response. I really want to go back to just being mates with him otherwise these last few months will have been a waste. I have a perfect conversation starter and will talk to him on facebook but I don't know what he will think if i randomly message him. What do you think I should do??

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