Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Red rings on palm are probably eczema, but could they be anything else (besides ringworm)?

note: I don't have access to a dermatologist. For the past several years I've gotten recurring red rings on the skin of my left palm, and only my left palm. They start as small raised red rings and slowly grow larger, the ring "breaking" apart and becoming lopsided or incomplete, and then fading. They're not dry, but they're slightly itchy and tend to be sensitive to heat or pressure. I don't think it's ringworm because it's never appeared on any other part of my body and I've had it no matter where I lived/what daily routine I had. I don't go to gyms or share exercise equipment. I assume it's just eczema, and might be related to a food allergy (I had severe food allergies and eczema as a little kid), but it seems strange that it only shows up on the palm of my left hand. I was wondering if anyone had similar eczema symptoms. When I look up photos of eczema, my spots don't look anywhere near as severe. Also, eczema seems to usually be solid circles, not rings. So I'm kind of puzzled.

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