Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is there a way to use CCC to stretch the desktop to your second monitor while having both aligned vertically?

I know you can do it with your monitors in the regular horizontal position. Vertically aligned monitors lend themselves better to the kind of work I have to do on them. When I use the stretch monitor 1 using the stretch horizontally function on the displays manager screen in the CCC advanced controls it automatically makes the screens align back to their horizontal alignment and I no longer have the option to rotate 90 degrees. If I select the stretch vertically it doesn't get the desired result either. It allows the monitors to remain aligned vertically but stretches north to south instead of east to west (if that makes sense). Anyone know of a way to work around this? It's a work computer so installing 3rd party shareware is unfortunately not an option. If I can't do it with Catalyst Control Center then I can't do it. I'm really just looking for a way to extend my task bar to the second monitor. Many thanks for any help you can offer.

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