Saturday, July 16, 2011

Im 17 years old,how can I tell my parents I have a boyfriend? HELP!?

I will be 18, in 4 months and Im still not allowed to but hey, im a teen! I do it anyways. Well Ive been going out with some guy for 2 months and a week :) Im starting my freshmen year in college this fall and hes already 21 years old nd going on his third year in college. My parents are very strict, over protective and everytime I mention a boy they automatically think im going to run away with him , just like my sister did when she was younger. I will be meeting his family soon :) I really want my parents to accept him and give him the opportunity to get to know him. I want to be able to go out with him more often without hiding it from my parents, because it makes me feel bad.Hes a really good guy and he's willing to meet my parents. I need HELP. How can I tell them? What Do you suggest?. Thank You! :)

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