Monday, July 11, 2011

Vivid dream about something wierd?

Hello everyone :) okay, so this year, i have been having really wierd dreams. In the past, I usually dream but i don't usually remember them. I usually only have one dream a night. But this year, every night, my dreams have been so vivid. Also, i dream a series of dreams every night, which never happened to me before. But last night, my first dream was my usual recurring dream of waking up and getting ready for school, always rushing trying not to miss the bus. Then All of a sudden, i'm at school, doing work, going to ALL my classes, and i actually had to think, cuz i actually thought that i was taking a chemistry test. After school got out, i found myself walking ON a railroad. (I live near a railroad by the river, but my they don't cross paths.) there were leaves all over the tracks wich got stuck to my shoes. When i got home, I ran upstairs, to go put all my books away. When i came down stairs, i found four leaves on the stairs, i picked them up and threw them outside. Then All of a sudden i was at McDonalds with my friends. I ordered a McChicken haha. But whe i was eating it, i pulled out metal springs and steel bolts out of my sandwich. Then I see a blonde guy (my age...17) looking over at me. He had A HUGE red heart shaped box. He gave it to me, and a love letter. It was a letter that confessed his feelings for me since third grade. It was a super long letter, front and back. I have never seen him in my life before. But anyways, this was a REALLY long description, sorry :( i wanted to put more things in, but i dont want to bore you guys. But i really want to know what this means, any help would be nice, thanks! <3

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