Friday, July 15, 2011

Ok, this is a question for all of you people that are very familiar with San Antonio,Texas? Please answer this?

Ok. My question has to do with the area surrounding the Tower of Americas. Right before you get to the ticket booth to the Tower, there is a wooden playground. Across from that playground on the other side of the sidewalk there is a medium size hill. Buried in that hill, but still visible are four steps. One of the steps is upright, not in the position it is supposed to be in. The steps appear to be ceramic or portico(I guess thats right) and they are beautifully painted. They also look old and look to the be the remnant of something that was there before, but maybe it got torn down or wiped away in a natural disaster, I don't know, thats just how it appears. It just appears like it's "whats left." You know? So anyway, there is no sign anywhere that I could see that explains these stairs and I have looked on the internet, but did not find anything. So if you are familiar with that area, do you know what these stairs are? I am very curious about this. Thanks! :)

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