Thursday, July 14, 2011

My boyfriend isn't over his ex-girlfriend. What do I do?

You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be given the same respect you paid him in return. Lets not beat around the bush now, clearly he cannot let go of the past so he is not ready. I suggest you give him space and some time to let go of the past. You don't want to be some rebound now don't you? And giving him time to recuperate will save you from getting hurt emotionally from him. I have been in the same situation because I was the one who couldn't let go of my ex and I kept hurting my boyfriend because I kept bringing my ex's name up and talk constantly about him. I'm not going to lie, I was still in love with my ex and I was not ready to be in a relationship, thankfully my boyfriend waited faithfully for me and loved me anyway. After a while I learned to love my boyfriend and forgot completely about my ex! It takes time but its totally worth it in the end. Do not brag about how much it hurts you or how much its irritating that he brings his ex's name up, just let him know that you love him and you are willing to wait for him to move on and that you won't go anywhere. You'll be fine. Best of luck.

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