Sunday, July 10, 2011

Every Muslim should answer this: what if....?

Thousands of religions have existed since the history of humans, and Islam is just another one. Previous religions have not left any proof of their validations, for example, no miracle remnant from past religions exists. So, what tangible, logical proof does Islam utilize to defend itself? Let me tell you that I begged God for help, I begged him to make my life better, to make me rich, to give me power, but after hundreds of prayers and days waiting, nothing happened. Face the reality that this world does not need to have a creator that willingly created and regulates the world. Chance and adaptations exist, and they run our tiny planet and our existences. Furthermore, belief in a deity is an evolutionary response to human helplessness. We are helpless relative to many things, but capable too, relatively. Moreover, look around you, Muslims. Where is the proof that God cares about us? Look carefully at and compare Muslims' conditions with non Muslims', and then try to rationalize Allah's "blessings." Many of you will rationalize them no doubt by claiming of fantasy, irrational, and unproven notions, such as reward in heaven, etc. because you choose to hamper your beliefs. I believed in God, his blessings, his power, his love, his hope; but I do not see the proof of his grand characteristics. If he is my creator, then he should not have made me without my permission as I do not value nor want his given life. I would rather not be be alive, powerless, and among the losers, which are the Muslims, than spend a single second living. This is my rant to you God, and my warning to you. If you do not better the conditions of the Muslims and mine, then I will NOT worship and believe in you, because I have no reason to believe in a heedless, non responsive religion that does not even defend or provide proof for itself. In ancient times, Muslims destroyed stone idols and claimed to non Muslims that your God is too weak to even protect his sacred objects. Yet, Qurans are burned and mosques are bombed, but Muslims become backward by the day. I WILL quit being a Muslim if I do not see any change soon. I thought I would never question Allah like this, but these are my limits, God. This is the time to witness the proof of your noble characteristics.

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