Friday, July 15, 2011

Do i have a problem?!?

I need to know if i need help or if i have a problem, basically i haven't spoken to my dad in 3 years because of bad problems and a while after this i kept on having panic attacks each night for like a month where i would be laying in bed and i would start to feel really hot but start shivering uncontrollably like a fit or something and then i would feel like my stomach is sinking and i would shake for a good 10 minutes or maybe longer and start to sweat, since then i have been having recurring dreams where each of my family members are in a room being hung from the ceiling and it would be a different person each time. After this passed i have realised i get angry extremely quickly and i take a stress ball every where i go as i feel im in need of it anywhere i go, i like cant go anywhere without it. i have have a bit of trouble from school as i have been suspended and stuff and also recently i think of the most disturbing things in my head and i know i do it but i cant physically stop them from coming up, like literally so disturbing and messed up, i seem to get really paranoid sometimes and angry extremely quickly. i think i may have a problem but i don't know what it is, is this me just being stupid but this has gone on for a few years and im starting to get more worried and think about it everyday. any helpful answers would be great.

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